[comp.sources.d] MUSH help summary

kai@uicsrd.UUCP (09/30/87)

Here is a MUSH line-mode command, variable, and command line option summary
that I hope will help you as well as it has helped us.  Some of the default
and "recommended" options may not be correct for your site, since there are
many configurable options, but most are correct for MUSH as distributed.

Please let me know of any errors or ommisions you notice.  I deleted the
control-L's just before the page numbers for network transmission.  You won't
catch ME feeding the line eater...

Patrick Wolfe

Internet:  pwolfe@kai.com
UUCP:      ...!{uunet,ihnp4}!uiucuxc!kailand!pwolfe

The opinions expressed here are my own, NOT my employers.

page 1     MUSH Line Mode Command Summary
!               - recall a previous command
?               - list available builtin MUSH commands
alias           - define an address alias
alternates      - specify other login ids you use
alts            - specify other login ids you use
bind            - (curses-mode) bind keystrokes to commands
cd              - change working directory
cmd             - define a command alias
copy            - copy msg(s) into a regular file
curses          - use "curses-mode", a menu-style user interface
debug           - set MUSH debug level
delete          - delete msg(s)
dt              - delete current message and type the next
echo            - display a comment
exit            - terminate MUSH ignoring changes
expand          - show expansion for address alias
f               - display header line for current msg
fkey            - (suntools mode) define a function key, use cmd for other modes to define function keys
fo              - set/display name of current folder
folder          - set/display name of current folder
folders         - display directory of available folders
from            - display header line for current msg
h               - display msg headers
headers         - display msg headers
help            - display some help for MUSH
history         - display command history
ignore          - specify/display mail headers to ignore
lpr             - print msg(s)
ls              - list files in cwd
m               - send mail
mail            - send mail
my_hdr          - specify personal headers to add to your outgoing mail
next            - display next msg
p               - display msg(s)
pick            - select messages by author, subject, date for other functions
pre             - save msg(s) in your system mailbox rather than your mbox
preserve        - save msg(s) in your system mailbox rather than your mbox
previous        - display previous msg
print           - display msg(s)
pwd             - display cwd
q               - terminate MUSH, saving changes made to current folder
quit            - terminate MUSH, saving changes made to current folder
reply           - reply to sender of msg
replyall        - reply to all who received the original msg
replysender     - reply to sender of msg
respond         - reply to sender of msg
save            - save msg(s) in a regular file
saveopts        - stupid command that wipes out your .mushrc
set             - set/display MUSH variables
sh              - invoke a command shell
sort            - sort msgs
source          - read commands from a file
stop            - stop MUSH temporarily (like ^Z)
t               - display msg(s)
top             - display the top few lines of msg(s)
type            - display msg(s)
un_hdr          - undefine personal header, see my_hdr
unalias         - undefine address alias, see alias
unbind          - (curses-mode) undefine key-command bindings, see bind
uncmd           - undefine command alias, see cmd
undelete        - unmark a msg for deletion, see delete
unfkey          - (suntools mode) undefine a function key, see fkey
unignore        - do not ignore a msg, see ignore
unpreserve      - unmark a msg for preservation, see preserve
unset           - undefine MUSH variable, see set
update          - save all changes made to the current folder
version         - display the version number of MUSH
write           - save msg(s) in a regular file
z               - display msg headers
page 2     MUSH variables
name            type            default value   recommended value       description
----            ----            -------------   -----------------       -----------
alwaysignore    boolean         false                                   ignore headers even when writing files
askcc           boolean         false                                   prompt for Cc: list
autodelete      boolean         false           false                   delete new messages if read, unless preserved
autoedit        boolean         false                                   always enter editor when sending mail
autoinclude     boolean         false           false                   always include text of original msg when replying
autoprint       boolean         false                                   print next message after delete command issued
auto_route      boolean         false           false                   do nasty things to UUCP addresses
autosign        boolean/string  false                                   append .signature file to end of outgoing mail
crt             numeric         20                                      if msg is larger than this, use the pager
cwd             string          <your cwd>                              default current working directory (set with cd cmd)
dead            string          "dead.letter"                           where to store killed letters
dot             boolean         false                                   allow single period alone on a line to end outgoing mail
editor          string          <value of EDITOR or visual>             editor to use with ~e escape
escape          char            '~' (tilde)                             escape character to use when sending mail
fixaddr         boolean         false           false                   do more nasty things to UUCP addresses
folder          string          "~/.Mail"                               specify folder directory
fortune         boolean/string  false                                   append a fortune to outgoing mail
fortunates      string          ""                                      list of people to get fortunes
hdr_format      string          "%S %f %d (%c/%l) %s"                   personal format of headers cmd output (see below)
history         numeric         1                                       number of commands to remember
hold            boolean         false           false                   keep old mail in system mailbox
home            string          <value of HOME>                         specify where your home is, weird
ignore_bang     boolean         false                                   disable history function so bang doesn't have to be escaped
ignoreeof       boolean/string  false                                   don't allow control-D to exit MUSH
indent_str      string          "> "                                    string to use when including messages
in_reply_to     bool            false                                   include "In-Reply-To:" mail header for replies
keepsave        boolean         false                                   keep msgs after they have been saved with save/write/copy
known_hosts     string          ""                                      hosts to recognize when screwing things up with auto_route
lister          string          ""                                      default options for built in ls command
mbox            string          "~/mbox"        "$folder/mbox"          location of your old mail mailbox
metoo           boolean         false                                   if I'm on the mail list, I get one too
newline         boolean/string  false                                   ignore CR instead of displaying next msg
no_hdr          boolean         false           false                   disable personal headers (does not unset them)
no_reverse      boolean         false           true                    do not show current msg in reverse video, true is faster
nosave          boolean         false                                   do not save dead.letter if msg is cancelled
pager           string          <value of PAGER or "more">              pager to use
print_cmd       string          "prt"                                   command to use when printing mail messages
printer         string          "lp"                                    printer to use for lpr command
prompt          string          "Msg %m of %t: "                        personalized prompt, (see below)
quiet           boolean         false                                   do not display version number when starting up
record          boolean/string  false                                   record outgoing mail into this file
reply_to_hdr    string          "reply-to: return-path: from:"          mail headers to search for when replying
screen          numeric         20                                      number of header lines to display for headers command
screen_win      numeric         20                                      tools mode window size
show_deleted    boolean         false                                   display deleted messages with "*"
squeeze         boolean         false                                   squeeze multiple blank lines into one
toplines        numeric         <value of CRT>                          number of lines to show for top command
unix            boolean         false           true                    allow UNIX commands
verbose         boolean         false                                   set verbose delivery mode
verify          boolean         false                                   ask "send, quit, continue editing" after msg is done
visual          string          <value of VISUAL or "vi">               editor to use with ~v escape
warning         boolean         false                                   warning of alias conflicts with built in command
Special variables for personalizing "hdr_format":
        %S - message status
        %f - both actual name and electronic address of author
        %a - electronic address of author
        %n - actual name of author
        %t - addresses of recipients
        %d - date msg was sent
        %s - subject of msg
        %l - number of lines in msg
        %c - number of chars in msg
Special variables for personalizing "prompt":
        %m - current message number
        %t - total number of messages
        %u - number of unread messages
        %d - number of deleted messages
        %n - number of new messages
        %f - complete filename of current folder
        %T - current time
        %D - todays day of the week (Sun, Mon, ...)
        %N - todays date (number of the month)
        %Y - this year
        \n - put a newline (RETURN) in the prompt
        \t - put a tab in the prompt
page 3     MUSH Command Line Options
-C              - use "curses-mode"
-H[:c]          - only display mail headers
-N              - do not display message headers upon startup
-S              - start MUSH even if there are no new msgs, or the folder is empty or doesn't exists
-T time         - (tools-mode) time between checks for new mail
-c cc-list      - (sending mail only) specify carbon copy reception list
-d              - set debugging level to 1
-f [ file ]     - use the specified file, default is your mbox
-i              - use "line-mode".  This is the default case.
-n              - don't read the initialization files
-r              - initialize folder in read-only mode
-s subject      - (sending mail only) specify subject line
-t              - (Sun workstations only) use "tools-mode"
-v              - (sending mail only) turn on verbose delivery option
-1 file         - specify alternate command help file
-2 file         - (tools-mode) specify alternate tools help file

Patrick Wolfe

Internet:  pwolfe@kai.com
UUCP:      ...!{uunet,ihnp4}!uiucuxc!kailand!pwolfe

The opinions expressed here are my own, NOT my employers.