[comp.sources.d] v13i065: Tools to help automate backups

gerry@syntron.UUCP (G. Roderick Singleton) (03/01/88)

I thought I would try this program and when I compile it, make complains about
a missing file, <tzfile.h>.  This beastie is not in my distribution and I
would like to know what is its replacement?  Is it local to the author's
site or is it included in certain verisions of UNIX?  I do hate re-inventing
wheels if the needed info is readily available.
G. Roderick Singleton              |  "ALL animals are created equal,
   <gerry@syntron.uucp>,           |   BUT some animals are MORE equal
or <gerry@geac.uucp>,              |   than others." a warning from
or <gerry@eclectic.uucp>           |  "Animal Farm" by George Orwell

fmr@cwi.nl (Frank Rahmani) (03/04/88)

> Cc: scooter@genie.gene.com
> I thought I would try this program and when I compile it, make complains about
> a missing file, <tzfile.h>.  This beastie is not in my distribution and I
> would like to know what is its replacement?  Is it local to the author's
> site or is it included in certain verisions of UNIX?  I do hate re-inventing
> wheels if the needed info is readily available.
> G. Roderick Singleton              |  "ALL animals are created equal,
Tzfile.h contains information about timezones. Seems to be standard
on BSD systems. There was a PD implementation of the timezone stuff
quite some time ago in net.sources which contained this file (as far
as I can recollect) Sorry, I don't have the stuff handy, perhaps some
archive site can help out?

It is better never to have been born. But who among us has such luck?