[comp.sources.d] News/UUCP troubles at Ohio State

karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (06/13/88)

osu-cis, the 3B2/400 which does anonymous UUCP source things, has been
having a lot of trouble lately with kernel table overflows of a
variety of sorts, notably his file table, due to an apparent sudden
increase in demand for access.  He was finally reconfig'd this morning
for much larger table sizes and so shouldn't go catatonic in the midst
of UUCP conversations any more as has been the case for a while.

Also, Ohio State's connection to the Internet (an NSFNet link) has had
some really evil gateway routing problems a hop or two away from here,
and as a result we can't see or be seen by a fairly hefty fraction of
the rest of the Internet.  Theories exist that the matter should clear
up in the next day or two.  In the meantime, our mailq is getting
long and a lot of mail Elsewhere is no doubt timing out due to
failures to find us.  Sorry for the trouble - the problem is being
resolved as quickly as possible.

(This latter problem was exacerbated greatly by the loss last week of
our ARPANet link, PSN29 [], an early casualty in the DARPA
folks' "dismantling.")
