[comp.sources.d] omega 21 of 19

asgard@cpro.UUCP (J.R. Stoner) (08/01/88)

I guess it might be my dumb luck, or a real problem, but the
updated files kit labeled part 21 of 19 for the game omega
was trucated.  If somebody has this in an intact form and are
willing to mail it to me please send me mail with your path, but
not the file ( I do not want to be tagged as a net.hog ) and
I will return a message with the best-fit path to cpro.  I might
even send a message to billr with the problem report.
May the farce et al.

bobmon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (RAMontante) (08/02/88)

After renaming ocmds.c to occmds.c, I was able to compile and run with only
the first 19 parts.  Granted, I haven't played well enough or long enough
to get off street level, but what do parts 20  and 21 do for me?

For that matter, any suggestions for playing this sucker?  My high score is
in the high teens....
	bob,mon				(bobmon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu)
"`This must be deep' means `I can recognize all these words individually,
but dam' if I can make any sense out of the order in which they currently
appear....'"	- Gil Scott Herron

malloy@nprdc.arpa (Sean Malloy) (08/02/88)

In article <11191@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu> bobmon@iuvax.UUCP (RAMontante) writes:
>For that matter, any suggestions for playing this sucker?  My high score is
>in the high teens....

Well, the first thing you want to do is get yourself outfitted better
than you start. You can join either the Gladiators or the Mercenaries,
but not both. Then you can enter the Games at the Coliseum to get
additional cash (more if you're a gladiator).

So far as I've found, it's faster getting cash in Rampart (i.e., the
games), but all the nifty magic is out in the countryside. Right now,
I'm trying to work my way to the bottom of the goblin caverns -- so
far, I've had to cull my pack several times, and I've been dying with
scores around 120-150 (my current high is 147).

If you find the thieve's guild, they will identify items for you, but
the "Jane's" scrolls are truly nifty.

	Sean Malloy
	Navy Personnel Research & Development Center
	San Diego, CA 92152-6800