[comp.sources.d] Subject lines, -S and KILL files: a suggestion.

tim@lucretia.esa.oz (Tim Bunce) (09/29/88)

In article <426@gonzo.UUCP> daveb@gonzo.UUCP (Dave Brower) writes:
>In article <469@snjsn1.SJ.ATE.SLB.COM> greg%sentry@spar.slb.com (Greg Wageman) writes:
>>On an unrelated subject:
>>I would like to vote for changing the "Subject:" lines of multi-part
>>postings to be all identical, and have the part numbers be somewhere
>>else.  This is so that the "-S" option of rn can find all of the parts
>>of a posting before moving onto the next subject.  With the part
>>numbers in the subject line, each part becomes effectively a different
>>subject as far as rn is concerned.
>No thanks.  A lot of archiving gets an Index from the Subject line.
>Without differences between parts 1 and N of a multipart posting in the
>Subject, it would be really hard to figure out what was what.
>Is "=" that hard to use in rn?

Being a fan of the -S option and KILL features of rn I have a suggestion.

Both these features rely on the subject line being identical (bar 'Re: ').
However during the course of a debate people often feel the need to modify
the subject line. This causes 'subject search' to trip up and KILL to pass
it by. Similar problems arise for multipart submissions of source (or
anything else).

What I'd like to suggest is that a 'comment' character (for example a semi-
colon) be introduced into subject lines. The character, and any text that
follows it could be ignored by rn for the purposes of subject searching and
KILLing but archiving could proceed unhindered.

	e.g.:   Subject: Multi-user, real-time, 3D game; (part 1 of 273)
	or      Subject: Re: Original subject line; new comment

This will obviously require a new release of rn (:-) but in the mean time the
convention could be established that new or variable parts of a subject line
be prefixed by a comment character. I vote for a semi-colon but I'm sure that
there will be other ideas.

I hope this posting is ok, it's my first and it's comming from an Apollo :-)
Tim.                                               ..!munnari!tim@attila.esa.oz

weemba@garnet.berkeley.edu (Obnoxious Math Grad Student) (10/03/88)

In article <112@lucretia.esa.oz>, tim@lucretia (Tim Bunce) writes:
>What I'd like to suggest is that a 'comment' character (for example a semi-
>colon) be introduced into subject lines. The character, and any text that
>follows it could be ignored by rn for the purposes of subject searching and
>KILLing but archiving could proceed unhindered.

>	e.g.:   Subject: Multi-user, real-time, 3D game; (part 1 of 273)
>	or      Subject: Re: Original subject line; new comment

How about parentheses?  After all, it's the comment for "From:"

ucbvax!garnet!weemba	Matthew P Wiener/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720