[net.wanted] << APOLOGY >> for READ.ME

glassner (01/22/83)

	Gulp!  I've just been flamed and toasted!
	I'm sorry for titling my recent message
"READ ME".  As several people have already pointed
out, and as a moment's reflection shows, that's a
pretty bad attempt at "cute" and a totally inappropriate
title for such a non-vital message.
	As others have pointed out, I agree I
should have posted it to "net.jobs"; I probably
would have if I had ever heard of the newsgroup.
	I'd like to cancel the thing (stop it dead
in its tracks) and re-submit it with a better title.
Unfortunately, we run 'news A' and I'm informed that
stopping the dissemination of "READ ME" is now impossible.
	Please accept this as a public and quite
embarassed apology.  I certainly did not intend to
waste anybody's time - in fact, the title seems to
have done more harm to the whole enterprise of
getting a job than if I had done nothing at all!
	Be assured that any future notes will be posted
with much more responsible (and informative) titles.

	-Andrew Glassner