[comp.sources.d] osu-cis 2400bps have gone dead

karl@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (01/11/89)

The directly-connected 2400bps lines on osu-cis have all decided to go
south, way south, past the pole, all at once.  We suspect either a
power hit to the modem cabinet or a dead ports board on osu-cis
proper.  Repair work is in-progress, but no time estimates are
available just now.

Also, faster modems for osu-cis are in-progress as well.  We have
received, of all wondrous things, an offer to donate such things, from
'Way Over There across the Atlantic.  The bureaucracy of OSU will keep
it from actually happening any faster than, say, 2 months, I'm afraid.
