[comp.sources.d] osu-cis undergoes brain transplant; unavailable for a day or two

karl@dinosaur.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (05/02/89)

osu-cis is dead; long live osu-cis!

("Yeth, mathtuh, thith wath an ABnormal bwain...")

The 3B2/400 UUCP archive machine osu-cis has been replaced with a
Pyramid.  The 3B2 had become too unstable, especially in recent weeks,
but more generally due to lack of horsepower to handle the UUCP and
newsfeed load to which we subjected him.  The new machine answering
the phones as osu-cis is not yet answering all of them; the Micom port
selector connections are alive, but the direct-connect modems are not
yet there.  Be aware that we intend to abandon use of direct-connects
in the future in favor of the Micom.  We have found that Pyramids get
along better with the Micom than 3B2s did, so there is no need to
worry, for those of you who had such troubles in the past.

Anyway, for another day or so, the UUCP archives on osu-cis are
unavailable.  When we finish setting things up, a new copy of the
instruction file GNU.how-to-get will be posted here.  Since we are now
operating on a Berkeley filesystem, we won't have to mash all those
informative, long filenames into something cryptic and difficult any
more; be prepared for a completely revamped setup.
