lgondor (02/02/83)
I'm looking for software to be used in the display of large (ca. 100-5000 atoms) molecules. The form of the display could be any of: wire-frame, ball and stick or space-filling. The display software is intended to be used in conjunction with a program which would find the minimum energy configuration for a molecule slightly perturbed from a known minimum energy conformation. I'd like realtime response, but I could live with update times on the order of minutes if I had no other choice (space- filling models are unlikely to give me fast response). We have a VAX 11/780 running 4.2bsd(I think) with an Ikonas frame buffer currently configured for 512x512 with 24 bits of colour. I would be parti- cularly interested in the National Institute of Health display software although I understand that it may require hardware that we don't have here. If anyone knows of such software running on a VAX under 4.2bsd or if anyone is doing work in this area, I would be grateful if you would reply by net mail. Les Gondor Computer Systems Research Group (..!decvax!utzoo!utcsrgv!lgondor)