laman (02/04/83)
I am looking for information on available menus for UN*X systems. I don't mind working on the source to get it to run on a different machine and/or UN*X version! I will be more than happy to send back the changes! PLEASE REPLY! I HATE STARTING FROM THE WHEEL!!! I know there are some out there, but where? I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would include in your short message: 1> Who I should contact to get the source from, 2> What machine and UN*X version it runs on, and 3> Any on line documentation (to give me a feel for what it does). This will be for a source licensed system, so the program doesn't have to just be in the public domain. All replys are welcome. Thanks in advance. I will summerize to the net. Mike Laman sdcsvax!laman P.S. You can just mail it to me if you like.