[comp.sources.d] Missing Nethack3 part 30/38

houten@pttdis.UUCP (Karel van Houten) (07/26/89)

Part 30/38 of Nethack didn't make it to our site, Is there a kind soul
out there willing to mail me the missing part.

Thanks in advance.

Karel van Houten, 		INTERNET-style:	houten@pttdis.UUCP
PTT Telecom b.v.		UUCP:		uunet!mcvax!hp4nl!pttdis!houten
's-Gravenhage, The Netherland	VOICE:		+31 70 434947

houten@pttdis.UUCP (Karel van Houten) (07/28/89)

In article <60@pttdis.UUCP> I write:
>Part 30/38 of Nethack didn't make it to our site, Is there a kind soul
>out there willing to mail me the missing part.

OK, I've got it. thanks to all who reponded!

Karel van Houten, 		INTERNET-style:	houten@pttdis.UUCP
PTT Telecom b.v.		UUCP:		uunet!mcvax!hp4nl!pttdis!houten
's-Gravenhage, The Netherland	VOICE:		+31 70 434947

mboen@nixpbe.UUCP (Martin Boening) (07/29/89)

houten@pttdis.UUCP (Karel van Houten) writes:

>Part 30/38 of Nethack didn't make it to our site, Is there a kind soul
>out there willing to mail me the missing part.

>Thanks in advance.

Hmmm. We seem to be missung ALL of Nethack3 (except for the big announcement).
Before I ask someon for it I'll wait a while yet though.

Email: in the   USA ->  ...!uunet!philabs!linus!nixbur!mboening.pad
       outside  USA ->  {...!mcvax}!unido!nixpbe!mboening.pad
Paper Mail: Martin Boening, Nixdorf Computer AG, DS2,
	    Pontanusstr. 55, 4790 Paderborn, W.-Germany