[comp.sources.d] Thanx in advance for NetHack3 parts 15 and 16.

jopsy@naucse.UUCP (JO.hn P.hillip C.rane) (07/30/89)

   Mystery of the missing shar files!   
     Could someone, who was lucky enough to actually receive parts 15 and 16
of NetHack3 *) PLEASE (* mail them to me?           
                                Eternal gratitude and Thanx.

-+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- -+#+- 
 reply to: ....!arizona!naucse!jopsy                                         
 Dragon lover, Classical Pianist, Tetriholic, and Right Brained Programmer