[comp.sources.d] news subtrees

bothe@net7.uucp (RZ) (12/07/89)

I have a question with subtrees in bnews:

I made some local newsgroups (muc, muc.dtsw, muc.dtsw.test) with 
inews -C ...
All seems to go right.
The only problem:
nn -x muc shows only the items of this newsgroup,
but not of muc.dtsw.test (to get these, i have to take nn muc.dtsw.test)

Any ideas to solve this problem ?
***************   Richard Bothe, NIXDORF COMPUTER AG, Dep DTSW 2-4
 N I X D O R F    Berliner Str. 95, D-8000 Munic (West Germany)
***************   Tel.: (nat-89)3601-2956,    eunet: bothe.muc@nixpbe.UUCP
C O M P U T E R   USA:  uunet!linus!nixbur!bothe.muc,  !USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!bothe.muc