[comp.sources.d] Minor misfeature in SC Version 6.8

pjbk@cs.hw.ac.uk (Peter King) (09/07/90)

Here is a minor update to the sc version 6.8 which recently appeared in
comp.sources.unix.  It has the effect of making the name used to save
the spreadsheet in an emergency be x.SAVE where x is the name the
spreadsheet has.  The distributed version had SC.SAVE hard-coded.
Apply this using patch or by hand.

*** sc.c.orig	Fri Sep  7 13:16:59 1990
--- sc.c	Fri Sep  7 13:19:41 1990
*** 34,39
  void exit();
  #ifndef DFLT_PAGER
  #define	DFLT_PAGER "more"	/* more is probably more widespread than less */
  #endif /* DFLT_PAGER */

--- 42,51 -----
  void exit();
+ #ifndef SAVENAME
+ #define	SAVENAME "SC.SAVE" /* file name to use for emergency saves */
+ #endif /* SAVENAME */
  #ifndef DFLT_PAGER
  #define	DFLT_PAGER "more"	/* more is probably more widespread than less */
  #endif /* DFLT_PAGER */
*** 1560,1566
  {   char	path[PATHLEN];
      if (modcheck(" before Spreadsheet dies") == 1)
!     {	sprintf(path, "~/SC.SAVE");
  	if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  	    if (writefile("/tmp/SC.SAVE", 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  		error("Couldn't save current spreadsheet, Sorry");

--- 1572,1578 -----
  {   char	path[PATHLEN];
      if (modcheck(" before Spreadsheet dies") == 1)
!     {	sprintf(path, "~/%s", SAVENAME);
  	if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  	    sprintf(path, "/tmp/%s", SAVENAME);
*** 1562,1568
      if (modcheck(" before Spreadsheet dies") == 1)
      {	sprintf(path, "~/SC.SAVE");
  	if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
! 	    if (writefile("/tmp/SC.SAVE", 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  		error("Couldn't save current spreadsheet, Sorry");

--- 1574,1582 -----
      if (modcheck(" before Spreadsheet dies") == 1)
      {	sprintf(path, "~/%s", SAVENAME);
  	if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
! 	{
! 	    sprintf(path, "/tmp/%s", SAVENAME);
! 	    if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  		error("Couldn't save current spreadsheet, Sorry");
*** 1564,1569
  	if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  	    if (writefile("/tmp/SC.SAVE", 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  		error("Couldn't save current spreadsheet, Sorry");

--- 1578,1584 -----
  	    sprintf(path, "/tmp/%s", SAVENAME);
  	    if (writefile(path, 0, 0, maxrow, maxcol) < 0)
  		error("Couldn't save current spreadsheet, Sorry");
+ 	}
*** Makefile.orig	Thu Sep  6 12:08:30 1990
--- Makefile	Thu Sep  6 12:21:32 1990
*** 33,38
  # then "more" will be used. "pg" may be appropriate for SYSV
  # Use this for system V.2

--- 33,41 -----
  # then "more" will be used. "pg" may be appropriate for SYSV
+ # This carries the default save name which is used to save if there is a SIGQUIT
  # Use this for system V.2
*** 104,110
  sc.o:	sc.h sc.c
  interp.o:	interp.c sc.h
  	$(CC) ${CFLAGS} ${IEEE_MATH} ${SIGVOID} -c interp.c

--- 107,113 -----
  sc.o:	sc.h sc.c
  interp.o:	interp.c sc.h
  	$(CC) ${CFLAGS} ${IEEE_MATH} ${SIGVOID} -c interp.c
Peter King, Computer Science Department	JANET:	pjbk@uk.ac.hw.cs
  Heriot-Watt University		ARPA:	pjbk@cs.hw.ac.uk
  79 Grassmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2HJ	or	pjbk%cs.hw.ac.uk@ucl-cs
Phone: (+44) 31 225 6465 Ext. 555	UUCP:	..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!pjbk