tchrist@convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) (01/02/91)
From the keyboard of :I also had a lot of trouble getting trn to run, and (between core dumps) :I didn't really like the interface much. I don't understand all the fuss :over trn. I find that nn is much more robust and if I'm not mistaken :also follows "threads". Would someone who has used both like to comment? :Are nn and trn comparable in features? Am I missing out on something :trn does that nn doesn't do? As I understand it, all nn does is present articles sorted by subject and date. This is a far cry from what trn does, which is to construct an article tree based on Reference lines and message IDs. This means that you can: easily move to the real parent or first ancestor of an article kill off just the followups to a particular article follow threads across subject changes (like this one) know in advance whether there are followups to an article This is all because relationships aren't based on dates and subjects, but rather on references and message-ids. This makes all the difference in the world to me, and I would never go back. Another thing you can do with (t)rn that I don't believe can be done with nn is to autokill a subject but to then unkill by author. That way even if you've killed subject "Happy Holidays", you would unkill postings on that subject if there were from, say Dennis Ritchie or your CEO. The truth is I don't use kill files at all as much anymore with trn as I did with rn because the thread selection menus make these less needed. I read 3 times the newsgroups, and one-third of the articles, with trn compared with rn. When I tried nn, it dumped core a lot; trn hasn't done that to me. nn is also quite a significant change from rn, and I was a power rn user with all kinds of macros already set up and the various %-escapes pretty much memorized, so I didn't care for how different nn was: I wasn't able to leverage off previous knowledge. --tom -- Tom Christiansen convex!tchrist "With a kernel dive, all things are possible, but it sure makes it hard to look at yourself in the mirror the next morning." -me