[net.wanted] 4.1bsd or V6 program to restor V7 files

bentson (04/05/83)

It's a long story.... Our computer center is running a V6 variant on
their PDP-11/70s and now have V7 license and source tape. They would
like to extract parts of the V7 distribution to be used until they
upgrade to System III or System V. To do so they need either to boot V7
(which will be difficult because of the disk drives they have) or get a
copy of restor which will run on their V6 machines or on our (computer
science dept) 4.1bsd machines. Once the restor is done they can pick
out what they need.

So... does anyone have a pointer to a restor for V6 or 4.1bsd that can
read V7 release tape?  I'd appreciate diffs on existing restor programs,
the real program, or pointers on how to change the 4.1bsd release of
restor or 512restor.


Randy Bentson
Colo State U - Comp Sci
303 491 7016