FXDDR%ALASKA.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (08/01/87)
We've got an HP3000 minicomputer which has been kept fairly up-to-date. The manager thinks it is capable of handling the xmodem protocol. We've got Kermit running on it (the SPL version from Bitnet's Kermit server) but xmodem would be very nice to have...it is the most popular file transfer protocol around here for Vax and bbs users. If anybody knows of an HP3000 version of xmodem, please drop us a line. We have SPL and Pascal (and Cobol...but who cares). I don't really want to program it because I'm not much of an HP3000 fan, and our HP3000 programmer doesn't hack on file transfer protocols (what a pair we are!). Thanks. Don Rice FXDDR@ALASKA.BITNET