[comp.sys.misc] mice

SARGON%UMASS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (11/04/87)

Im interested in getting a mouse to add to a homebrew 68000 system.
The two that seem to be popular are the Logitech Mouse and the PC Mouse.
The Logitech mouse seems much smoother on a 'mouse pad' than the PC Mouse
does on the optical pad, and the Logitech Mouse is cheaper around these
parts..  The one problem is the local store has no documentation (no
meaningful explanation for what happened to the docs to the demo mice
was given).
The big questions are how do they draw power from the serial port and
how well documented are these mice (both hardware and software wise)?
If the mice draw power from the TxD line and/or the assorted "ready"
lines Id like to verify that my serial port can support it (I dont
see a major problem with current if the things use CMOS and Im using
+/-12 volts so that shouldnt be a problem either).  Id also want to
make sure the documentation provides sufficient information to write
ones own software drivers as I wont be able to use their code (for
obvious reasons).  Please reply directly as I dont recieve the Info-IBMPC
digest..  All information/thoughts/feelings on all third party mice
is more than welcome.  Thanks,   -Steve
Stephen Halpin             Sargon@UMass.BITNET
PO Box 241
Amherst, MA  01004-0241