[comp.sys.misc] Proposed news group comp.sys.unisys

rick@svedberg.bcm.tmc.edu (Richard H. Miller) (11/19/87)

I have proposed the creatiopn of a new newsgroup for UNISYS products, to
be called comp.sys.unisys. With the number of unisys questions on the 
network and the number of unisys employees, it is time to have a forum
to discuss our products, questions and problems. It will initially include
all products, both from the Burroughs side and the Sperry side as well as the
Unisys PCs and Unix boxes. Later, depending on traffic, we may divide into
additional groups. First, let's get a newsgroup going. Send your votes to me
via e-mail by December 15. (This announcement has previously been in

Richard H. Miller                 Email: rick@svedburg.bcm.tmc.edu
Head, System Support              Voice: (713)799-4511
Baylor College of Medicine        US Mail: One Baylor Plaza, 302H
                                           Houston, Texas 77030