richard@calvin.EE.CORNELL.EDU (Richard Brittain) (01/14/88)
Hello netland does anyone out there use HARRIS computers and want to talk about it (sounds like a therapist). Actually I would guess that reading usenet and working on an H-series Harris machine are mutually exclusive unless someone has done some wondrous hacking of the network/news software, but at our site we have an H-800 running VOS 6.1 (nee VULCAN) and an HCX-9 running unix, and so I presume there may be other places with similar arrangements. We have been using the H-series machines for several years now and have pretty much figured out how to work round the bad points of VOS, and come up with a working environment that is quite pleasant and efficient. I always have the feeling of working alone in comparison with the unix/vms/ ibm communities tho. I hope the keywords mean something to someone out there (I've never yet seen a reference to harris on the net). If there is enough response we might move the discussion to a more suitable newsgroup. R. Brittain, Space Plasma Physics Group, Cornell University \\\!/// ARPA: _ _ ( Q Q ) ---,,,,-------U-------,,,,---