[comp.sys.misc] Not MY NeXT Computer

NETOPRHM@NCSUVM.BITNET (Hal Meeks) (10/28/88)

One thing to keep in mind, is that someone doesn't appreciate new
capabilities until they use them for awhile. There are still quite
a few people who are not sold on the concept of "multitasking"
(used in an imprecise way). I, for one, find Macs perfectly
awful to use now, since I have a form of multitasking on my Amiga
at home. I am not saying the Mac is not as good a machine; I am
saying that I find I can get things done faster (writing mostly)
at home, then I can on a Mac here at work, because my work habits
have changed with the capabilities of the machine I use most.
    The Macintosh, in its current incarnation, has peaked. Apple
will have to offer something more than a faster Mac that has color
to regain my interest. This is from a person who despised personal
computers until he had used a Macintosh, when 128k was all there was.
And price certainly will be a factor. It's a jungle out there.
    I am waiting with interest for the much rumored new finder/system
for the Mac. Hopefully they will get Multifinder right this time.
Then, let's see if they can add voice mail via Appletalk.
 Hal Meeks                 "Don't you wonder sometimes,
 netoprhm@ncsuvm.bitnet     about sound and vision?"
 hgm@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu       --David Bowie