[comp.sys.misc] Proposed VxWorks Newsletter/User Group

thor@stout.ucar.edu (Rich Neitzel) (12/23/88)

Are you a user of VxWorks? Tired of not having a way to share, complain or otherwise
talk to other VxWorks users?

Well, we at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) are!

Therefore we are asking that other users out there let us know if they wish to get a
user's group off the ground. As a start, how about an informal newsletter that
could be used to inform others of bugs, tricks and general interest items? I know I 
could use a good driver for the Motorola MVME-321 disk controller and am willing to 
share a driver for the Interphase V/Tape 3209 tape controller. Send me your Internet
address and any other information you would like published. When I have enough to
justify loading the net, I'll send out the first edition. For the first one, I would
like to be able to put out a brief blurb on each user, so send something about your

Also, does anyone have a GOOD Internet address for Wind River? The one we have will
not work.

				Richard Neitzel
				National Center for Atmospheric Research
				Box 3000
				Boulder, CO 80307-3000