[comp.sys.misc] Finger print scanners

hxn8477%njitx.decnet@njitc.njit.edu ("NJITX::HXN8477") (02/07/89)

Any one know if there are scanners today capable of scanning
finger prints and digitizing them?  An idea crossed my mind
goes as follows.  If this is possible, then people can be
called in a national campagin to get their fingers scanned
(much like registering for the draft.)  Then, with the
help of a supercomputer, a criminal can be identified almost
instantly by matching finger prints from the crime scene
with the national file.  I think this would rid society of
a great deal of crimes if the scanners are available and the
ACLU does not object to that approach.  I just cannot find
in the literature any information indicating that such
scanners exist.                                   
                           /  \  /\                                  
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     "The more you know, the more you know how little you know"
                        /        \   \   \           Woody W. Pecker (1968- )
|Hamed Nassar               |Internet  : hxn8477%njitx.decnet@njitc.njit.edu |
|EE Department              |UUCP      : bellcore!argus!mars!nancy           |
|NJ Institute of Technology |CompuServe: 74000,130                           |
|Newark, NJ 07102           |Fidonet   : 1:107/701                           |


jimd@hpcvra.HP.COM (Jim Donnelly) (02/09/89)

	Fingerprint scanners and databases have been at use at FBI
	and NCIC for years.  The newer models (recent 5 years) have
	reduced scan and search time dramatically.  There is a
	constant effort to bring paper records into the system, to
	the tune of hundereds per day.  It's still years away from
	the time local departments will be able to access the
	database over a network.

	Jim Donnelly

garye@hpdsla.HP.COM (Gary Ericson) (02/10/89)

I'm sure I saw once, and haven't seen again, a blurb in a PC magazine about a
lock for your PC that was a fingerprint scanner.  You'd stick your thumb on it,
and if your thumb matched a print in memory (I guess), it would unlock your PC
for you to use.  Haven't been able to find is since 8^(.

Gary Ericson - Hewlett-Packard, Workstation Technology Division
               phone: (408)746-5098  mailstop: 101N  email: gary@hpdsla9.hp.com

jim@belltec.UUCP (Mr. Jim's Own Logon) (02/10/89)

   About 4 years ago I interviewed at a company that does just this. The
unfortunate part is that I cannot remember the name, Identek or something
similar. Located in Mountain View or Palo Alto, right off of 101.

   This company owns all of the patents for the fast way of storing and
recognizing fingerprints. What they do is a laser scan of the finger, and
get a square grid of 1's and 0's, representing whether or not there is a 
ridge at that point. This company ahs been able to show that if you do a
series of horizontal and vertical checksums of these 1's and 0's that this 
series of numbers is as unique as the fingerprint itself. So all of the 
storage and searching is done on the list of checksums, and not on the
actual fingerprint bit pattern. Concept was interesting, the job wasn't.

						-Jim Wall
						 Bell Technologies, Inc.

msnyder@calorie.cis.ohio-state.edu (Michael V. Snyder) (02/14/89)

There's a group in the next room from me working on that.
Of course, law enforcement agencies currently have computerized fingerprint
databases that can be scanned to identify prints, but they run on main
frames or minis and are very expensive.  The problem is that it's a very
computationally intensive task.  This group, headed I believe by Dr.
Rokhlin, is trying to get efficient algorithms for scanning / digitizing
prints (eg from an ordinary ink/paper version), and rapidly identifying
similar prints, by using a PC with a high power coprocessor board
(they're using a transputer).

|                                      |                                     |
| Handsome woman - lovely bust.        | This posting is the sole opinion of |
| Fine young fellow - stirred up lust, |          Michael V. Snyder          |
|    Babies' diapers,                  |    msnyder@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu   |
|    Bottom  wipers,                   |                                     |
| Years of struggle - Coffin - Dust.   |    "everything you know is wrong"   |
( poem appropriated from rec.humor )