I'm taking a guess that this is the right group for posting this. I've heard lots of things about what's happening at Ohio State University in terms of the computing power available there. Just for the record, I was a student there for about a year in the 1974-75 time period. The computer power available was an IBM 370/165 in Baker Systems Engineering, RJE facilities in Hitchcock Hall (self-service), Hagerty Hall, Robinson Hall, and a very-seldom used one in Health Sciences (South end of the campus, also self-service). The primary use of the system was for instruction and research (admin had (has?) a separate facility in the admin building). There was also a DEC-10 in the computer science building (4th floor I believe). What I'm really asking is: Do the facilities mentioned above still exist (I do know some things have changed obviously!) What's available these days for students and researchers to use? Have the facilities been moved and where are they now? Somebody at OSU will understand what I'm talking about...I hope. Please E-mail any responses to (I don't think the response to this is worth posting): UUCP:{backbone}!crash!pnet01!lgreen Thanks you. Lawrence H Greenwald (02/16/89)
Merci, beaucoup! to all of you who responded to my inquiry WOW! Things sure have changed in the last 1 and 1/3 decades! I guess I went to school too soon for computer science to be REALLY exciting. Again, thanks to the friendly Buckeyes who cared to respond. Larry Greenwald