[comp.sys.misc] Backups - "Shadowing" info wanted

trt@mtuxo.att.com (53190-T.TROMLEY) (02/25/89)

   [This question is based on the UNIX(r) System V Rel. 3.1.1 OS.]

I'm looking for a good/quick explanation of this concept "shadowing"
that folks seem to be throwing around lately.  Will this only work
if another duplicate processor is avail. - and idle normally?  Is this
really a practical way to have a "Cadillac" back-up/recovery
procedure?  What about incremental back-ups?  I'm of the opinion that
the project simply is not that crucial to have the system constantly
backed-up (hourly?) in order to have almost a "hot switch" recovery
process.  Ideas?  Suggestions?  I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments
you have.  I believe I still have a copy (somewhere) of an incremental
back-up program, but welcome copies of your programs.

Thanx in advance,

		Tim Tromley