c3ar@daisy.uchicago.edu (Walter C3arlip) (03/17/89)
I have been asked a question by a Russian Mathematician, which I do not know how to answer. He has a little money for some computer stuff, and wants to know about the following: 1) The Sharp "Wizard" "pocket PC", which is some kind of jumped-up calculator, but maybe very jumped up; it's supposed to hold 16 pages of typed text, and has an 8-line LCD display. Anybody know anything? What kind of computers is it compatible with, etc.? Is it worth $299? 2) SPOT (Syntactic Pattern Optical Translator), by Flagstaff Engineering, which is either an optical character recognition device or program. What is it? How is it used? He apparently gets his information from reading ads in computer magazines, and I'm not quite sure what he wants. He has access to a Philips NMS-8245 computer (whatever that is; operating system MSX2 (?)) and some kind of IBM computer, but I don't know what. Any information you could get for me to send back would be nice. Please send any information/advice to me directly by email since I don't have time to read this group. [I'm finishing up my Ph.D.!] --Walter C3arlip _____________________________________________________________________________ Walter C3arlip c3ar@zaphod.uchicago.edu (the "3" is silent) c3ar%zaphod@UCHIMVS1.bitnet _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Walter C3arlip c3ar@zaphod.uchicago.edu (the "3" is silent) c3ar%zaphod@UCHIMVS1.bitnet _____________________________________________________________________________