[comp.sys.misc] INK JET PRINT HEADS

cmontgom@emdeng.Dayton.NCR.COM (Conrad.A.Montgomery) (04/06/89)

Would like to obtain a list of OEM ink jet print head suppliers.  Have
checked the Thomas Register and have struck out for the most part.  HP 
seems to appear most frequently, however, apparently only a 96 dot per
inch version is available for OEM applications.  Would like to use a 
higher (200 dpi) resolution head if possible.

Anyone have a list of these suppliers or suggestions on how to get in
contact with them?

Please respond to cmontgom@ncr.dayton.com, or call me at (513) 445-7258.
(Please excuse my lack of network poise, as I am a virgin Asset user)

						Conrad Montgomery