[comp.sys.misc] Re Postscrip for Laserjets

hxn8477%njitx.decnet@NJITC.NJIT.EDU ("NJITX::HXN8477") (04/30/89)

>Date: 27 Apr 89 14:24:26 GMT
>From: mcvax!ukc!etive!hwcs!zen!vic@uunet.uu.net  (Victor Gavin)
>Subject: Enquiry about postscript on a LaserJet

>We are looking at buying some software which produces postscript
>output. At the moment we only have LaserJets in-house. For financial
>reasons we would like to extend the capability of one of our LaserJets
>such that it could print postscript rather than buy a postscript printer.

>I've heard of several products which are available to make an HP
>LaserJet printer understand postscript and would appreciate some
>comments on their relative merits:

>JetScript: PC board so requires a PC

>QMS-800: ???

>PS Jet: ???

>The last two I believe replace the LaserJets compute engine with their own.

I can see in the current issue of PC Magazine (May 16) two ads 
on making Laserjets handle Postscript commands.  You already allude to
one (QMS) by Laser Connection whose phone number is 1800-523-2696 (from
within the US).

The other is about software that costs $195 (with 13 fonts), or
$395 (with 35 fonts).  It is called GoScript and the company is
LaserGo, Inc.  Their phone is (619)530-2400 and Fax (619) 530-0099.
Their address is 9235 Trade Place, Suite A
                 San Diego, CA 92126

Their England's dealer (Graphic Sciences) phone number is (01) 940-9480.

     "The only stupid question is the one that is never asked."
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