[net.wanted] Software Tools in Pascal for Perq

arnold (04/28/83)

   I am part of a group here at Georgia Tech which is gearing up to
do substantial software development work on some 3 Rivers Perq
   Has anyone out there implemented the tools from the book
"Software Tools in Pascal" by Kernighan and Plauger, on a Perq?
I am particularly interested in the text editor, although the other
tools would be useful as well.
   Do the tools run under POS, or under Accent? Accent is preferable,
but POS is acceptable too.

   As they say, "Thanks in advance"

    Arnold Robbins

 arnold@gatech                              CSNET
 arnold.gatech@Udel-relay                   ARPANET
 ..!decvax!duke!mcnc!msdc!gatech!arnold     usenet
   (^-- this last from memory, check the FROM header)