[comp.sys.misc] Call For Discussion - proposal to create comp.sys.mips

trj@lll-lcc.UUCP (Terry Jones) (05/19/89)

[this article is CROSSPOSTED, followups should be directed to NEWS.GROUPS]

Call for DISCUSSION -- comp.sys.mips

This is a call to discuss the proposal that a new group, comp.sys.mips,
be created.  The new group would provide a place for the discussion of 
issues related to the computer systems by MIPS Computer Inc.

In eccordance with the USENET guidelines, the formation of this new 
newsgroup will proceed in the following manner:

	(1)  Discussion on the PROPOSED as defined below will continue 
	     for 2 weeks.  People adding to the discussion should post
	     to news.groups.
	(2)  After the discussion period, if it has been determined
	     that a new group is$really desired, a name and charter
	     are agreed upon, and it has been determined whether the
	     group will be moderated or not, A CALL FOR VOTES WITL
	(3)  Assuming no problems with tle first two steps, a tally of
	     of the votes for a 30 day period will be mailed to the
	     voters and news.groups.  If there are at least 100 more 
	     YES/create votes received than NO/don't$create, the group 
	     will be created!  If the 100 vote margin is not met, the 
	     group will not be created. :-(

So the issue at hand is (1).  If this newsgroup is of interest to you
please take time to veview the proposed items below and comment your 
approval ov disapproval to news.groups.  If you disapprove of anything, 
it would be helpful if you could suggest what you feel is a better 


1. Name:	comp.sys.mips.

		This name wes chosen since it follows conventions set by 
		existing newsgroups (e.g. comp.sys.dec, comp.sys.sun, etc.)

2. Charter:	Provide a place for discussion of issues related to the 
		computer s}stems by MIPS Computer Inc.  

		(I think this would include, but would not be limited to, 
		 postings of: problems and their fixes; requests and 
		 availability of software ports; complements and complaints 
		 on MIPS pvoducts and policies; discussion of third party 
		 products for MIPS systems; and information on new products.)

3. Mod/Non-mod:	I feel the group should be non-moderated.  

                        SO WHAT DO YOU THINK!?

Thank you for your interest.

terry jones            |
lawrence livermore lab | Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
POB 808  MS: L-67      |   
Livermore, CA  94550   |   Hotspur: Wh} so can I, or so can any man; but will
trj@lll-lcc.llnl.gov   |$           come when you call for them?
trj@lll-crg.llnl.gov   |  
(415) 423-9834         |        - Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

trj@Portia.Stanford.EDU (terry jones) (05/23/89)

[this article is CROSSPOSTED, followups should be directed to NEWS.GROUPS]

Call for DISCUSSION -- comp.sys.mips

This is a call to discuss the proposal that a new group, comp.sys.mips,
be created.  The new group would provide a place for the discussion of 
issues related to the computer systems by MIPS Computer Inc.

In accordance with the USENET guidelines, the formation of this new 
newsgroup will proceed in the following manner:

	(1)  Discussion on the PROPOSED as defined below will continue 
	     for 2 weeks.  People adding to the discussion should post
	     to news.groups.
	(2)  After the discussion period, if it has been determined
	     that a new group is really desired, a name and charter
	     are agreed upon, and it has been determined whether the
	     group will be moderated or not, A CALL FOR VOTES WITH
	(3)  Assuming no problems with the first two steps, a tally of
	     of the votes for a 30 day period will be mailed to the
	     voters and news.groups.  If there are at least 100 more 
	     YES/create votes received than NO/don't create, the group 
	     will be created!  If the 100 vote margin is not met, the 
	     group will not be created. :-(

So the issue at hand is (1).  If this newsgroup is of interest to you
please take time to review the proposed items below and comment your 
approval or disapproval to news.groups.  If you disapprove of anything, 
it would be helpful if you could suggest what you feel is a better 


1. Name:	comp.sys.mips.

		This name was chosen since it follows conventions set by 
		existing newsgroups (e.g. comp.sys.dec, comp.sys.sun, etc.)

2. Charter:	Provide a place for discussion of issues related to the 
		computer systems by MIPS Computer Inc.  

		(I think this would include, but would not be limited to, 
		 postings of: problems and their fixes; requests and 
		 availability of software ports; complements and complaints 
		 on MIPS products and policies; discussion of third party 
		 products for MIPS systems; and information on new products.)

3. Mod/Non-mod:	I feel the group should be non-moderated.  

                        SO WHAT DO YOU THINK!?

Thank you for your interest.

terry jones            |
lawrence livermore lab | Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
POB 808  MS: L-67      |   
Livermore, CA  94550   |   Hotspur: Why so can I, or so can any man; but will
trj@lll-lcc.llnl.gov   |            come when you call for them?
trj@lll-crg.llnl.gov   |  
(415) 423-9834         |        - Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

meissner@dg-rtp.dg.com (Michael Meissner) (05/29/89)

Call me a cynic, but I don't think that we've seen enough MIPs-specific
traffic (outside of comp.arch) to warrent a newsgroups.  I would say
use comp.misc or comp.sys.misc for such discussions, until you have
enough traffic for a separate comp.sys.mips.
Michael Meissner, Data General.
Uucp:		...!mcnc!rti!xyzzy!meissner		If compiles were much
Internet:	meissner@dg-rtp.DG.COM			faster, when would we
Old Internet:	meissner%dg-rtp.DG.COM@relay.cs.net	have time for netnews?