I am doing an evaluation of the math typesetting program EXACT and would appreciate comments/gripes/praise from anyone who has experience with it. I am especially interested in the thoughts of anyone using it as an add-on to MS-WORD, but all comments are welcome. Thanks, Hugh. **************************************************************************** From: Dr. Hugh M. Cartwright Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, South Parks Road, OXFORD, U.K. OX1 3QZ. Telephone: Oxford (0865)-275483 (direct line), (0865)-275400 (reception) Fax: Oxford (0865)-275410 JANET: HCART@uk.ac.oxford.vax BITNET: HCART@uk.ac.oxford.vax@ukacrl or HCART%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU or HCART%vax.oxford.ac.uk@nss.ns.ucl.ac.uk ******************************************************(series no 000)*******