[comp.sys.misc] JOB LINE

hutch@thor.stolaf.edu (Lance A. Hutchinson) (10/12/89)

There is a new job line that is running in the Twin Cities.  They need
computer programmers and have a BBS set up for you to send in your
resume.  They have jobs for all kinds of programmers for every computer!
The BBS is completely confidential and operates between the
hours of 5pm and 8am CST M-F and all weekend.  This is a new BBS and is
only going to stay around if people use it.  I believe they are set
up to work at 1200/2400 baud.  Good luck and I hope you can use this
for a job, if you need one.  The number is (612) 533-5457.

Lance Hutchinson	 \\====//	phone: (507) 663-6447
St Olaf College           \\==//	@work: (507) 663-7885
Northfield, MN.  55057	   \\//		hutch@thor.acc.stolaf.edu