[comp.sys.misc] Programming Series 100 framegrabber

ycy@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Joseph Yip) (02/23/90)

We bought a Series 100 frame grabber board from Imaging Technology Inc.
The software that comes with the board should include the Toolbox software
which has some source programs (free) on how to program the board. 
We are installing the board on a Sun system. But we cannot find
the tarfile from the installation tape. Since we need the software 
as soon as possible, we would like to have that software or 
similar software.

Does anyone out there who has the Toolbox software and would like to
send it to me? Or does anyone have any experience in programming the Series 100
frame grabber board on the Sun or Unix system?


Joseph Yip
Email: ycy@happy.cs.utexas.edu