[comp.sys.misc] Acorn DTP packages & BEEBUG - Hearsay

cloader@kean.ucs.mun.ca (04/13/90)

1.  Hearsay - Terminal Emulator.
    Is BEEBUG still in operation? I had problems installing
    HEARSAY of a  new hard disc.  I wrote to BEEBUG with no
    reply yet appearing.

    For those that might try to follow the instructions to
    put Hearsay on a hard-disc..... take great care! The
    copy protection seems to let you try only once!  I think
    I had better avoid copy protected software in future.

2.  DTP for the Acorn Archimedes.

    I am interested in obtaining a DTP package for my 310.  I
    know of the Acorn-DTP package and the Computer Concepts package
    (copy protected I think).  What other DTPs are available and
    which of all the packages seems to be the most versatile?

Any help on the obove two questions would be much appreciated.

Charles Loader
Chemistry Department
Memorial University
