[comp.sys.misc] U.S. Foreign Service dependents

lev@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov (Brian S. Lev) (06/14/90)

Hello, Netland!

I'm posting this in what look like "likely" newsgroups in hopes of getting in
touch with current and former U.S. Foreign Service dependents.  The Foreign
Service Youth Foundation has begun a census of us all (I'm a "former", myself
-- my father retired last July) in hopes of building a data base and, within
the next 12-18 months, publishing a directory.  This directory (and you can
tell us how much of your personal information you want published) will be used
as a resource for corporations seeking individuals with international experi-
ence, as a way we can all track down friends from our various posts, and as a
measuring device through which the FSYF can better judge how well it is serving
the needs of current Foreign Service dependents. 

Please read the two attached "blurbs" for more information.  If you would like 
to participate in this census -- and I strongly urge you to do so (let's all 
help support the "next generation"!) -- please get back to me either via Email
or USEnet posting, or post a letter to either of the mailing addresses at the
end of this message.  We'll be more than happy to send you a copy of the quest-
ionnaire (hardcopy or electronic, let us know) and add your name to our mailing

Thanks, and let's all stand up and be counted!

   The Foreign Service Youth Foundation is a non-profit corporation based in 
   Washington, DC.  It is supported (but not controlled) by the U.S. Depart-   
   ment of State Foreign Service.  The FSYF was created to service the needs
   of U.S. Foreign Service dependents, both those living overseas and those   
   returning to live in the USA.  Current and planned services include peer
   counseling, distribution of information, and giving an ear to those who
   are returning and need to know what's "in" back in the U.S. of A.

                        THE FOREIGN SERVICE YOUTH CENSUS
   The Foreign Service Youth Foundation is undertaking a census of Foreign 
   Service youth.  No matter what your age is now, if you spent (part of) 
   your youth as part of a U.S. Foreign Service family overseas and want to
   be included in the census or participate in our programs, please contact 
   us at any of the addresses listed below. 

   Via Hardcopy Post:
   Ms. Alexandra Mattson, Program Director
   Foreign Service Youth Foundation
   1019 19th Street, N.W.  Suite 900
   Washington, DC 20035  USA
   Telephone: 202-466-7951
   FAX: 202-466-4113

   Via Electronic Mail:
   Mr. Brian Lev, Code 930.4
   NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
   DECnet protocol: SDCDCL::LEV  (6153::LEV)
   TCP/IP protocol: lev@dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov  (lev@
             -- or  lev@dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov  (lev@
             -- or  lev@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov  (lev@