[comp.sys.misc] Renting and leasing of personal computers


From: Jack Aguilar
Subject: Renting and leasing of personal computers

Renting and leasing of equipment is one of the newest and fastest growing
financing alternatives of the 1990's! In support of Arizona State University's
effort to provide innovative ways of supplying state-of-the-art computer
equipment to our customers, we are requesting information on how other
universities are providing this type of service.

Some of the more common reasons for renting are testing equipment
(try-before-you-buy), and meeting short-term needs. In the case of leasing,
some considerations are: providing a natural obsolescence hedge, conferring
lower-level decision maker authority, preserving capital, managing regulated
reimbursement policies, improving budget forecasting, managing capital budget
constraints, and using bundled services (i.e. software, hardware maintenance,

So that we may better understand this issue, we would appreciate your taking
the time to participate by completing a 4 page survey. For those who
participate and are interested, we will send a copy of the results of the
survey when completed. Please reply to this note by August 22, 1990.

1. May we send you a survey on renting and leasing of personal computers?

    _____ Yes _____ No

   Reason: _____________________________________________________________

2. Please send me your complete mailing address.

   Name:    ____________________________________________________________
   Title:   ____________________________________________________________
   Address: ____________________________________________________________

3. Additional Comments: ________________________________________________

   Jack Aguilar, Manager, Hardware Support and Maintenance
   Arizona State University
   Telecommunication Services/Tech Shop  PEBW102
   Tempe, AZ 85287-0201