[comp.sys.misc] Desqview awareness

DBarker@SYSTEM-M.PHX.BULL.COM (Deryk Barker) (10/21/90)

Has  anyone else experience of developing Desqview aware programs?  I'm merely
trying  to write some code that will check whether Desqview is running and get
the  appropriate  video buffer address if is.  Using the sample code presented
in appendix J of the Desqview manual, to whit:

          mov es,hardware_video_seg     ; set es to video buffer
          mov di,0
          mov cx,'DE'                   ; set to invalid date
          mov dx,'SQ'                   ; 4445H 5151H
          mov ax,2b01h                  ; set date
          int 21h                       ; call DOS
          cmp al,0ffh                   ; did DOS regard as invalid?
          je no_desqview                ; Desqview not there
          mov major_version,bh          ; save major
          mov minor_version,bl          ; and minor Desqview versions
          mov ah,0feh                   ; Desqview get video buffer
          int 10h                       ; returns es:di as alternate buffer
          mov video_buffer_offset,di
          mov video_buffer_segment,es

Now  I  have  tried  this code in Microsoft C's in-line assembler and in MASM.
tracing  it  through with either CodeView OR Turbo Debug the second interrrupt
just  plain  don't  work.  the first successfully returns the Desqview version
numbers  but the int 10h leaves es:di just as they are.  I have traced through
some  Desqview  programs using Turbo Debug - they appear to use the same calls
and  THEY  don't  seem  to  get  a  valid  es:di either.  The one program that
apparently  DOES  get  everything  right  is  Front  Door:  but it doesn't use
anything  remotely  resembling  the same code and it's so large that I haven't
the  patience  to  debug  it  all an instruction at a time.  I'm gonna have to
right  to  Quarterdeck, but if anyone out there has an example of working code
that  DOESN'T  use the Desqview API package (i.e.  the one you pay for) I'd be
very grateful to hear about it.

Deryk Barker,
Jupiter Software,
Victoria BC.

"Send Lawyers, Guns and Money,
 Dad, get me out of this!"