[comp.sys.misc] WANTED: Operating System for 3B2/300

ibarra@DPW.COM (Michael Ibarra) (12/06/90)

HELP ... 
I have just purchased an AT&T 3B2/300 with a 36 MB HD, 2 MB RAM, Port
expansion card & Network interface card. This system *DOES NOT* have the
operating system with it (I know that this is unusual!) so I am in the market 
for this. I do however have access to several 3B2 manuals (system admin & utilities vol's #1-3) I need to know as much information as possible about this machine. I wish to know the processor type and if it is possible to load XENIX into it and as much information as possible regarding its hardware listed above. I understand that the serial connections are of RJ-11 type and also wish information
on building a cable to convert this to DB-25 as I am connecting a VT220 terminal
to the console and serial ports. I would like to add an additional hard drive tomake room for the development set that I am also looking for.

I know that I ask for alot and I really appreciate all the information sent to me.

uunet:  {!cmcl2,uunet}!esquire!ibarra  or internet  ibarra@dpw.com
VOICE_LINE: (212)530-4119

				Thank you,

		               Mike Ibarra