[comp.sys.misc] LANIER Diskettes

55srwlgs@SACEMNET.AF.MIL ("55SRWLGS") (12/13/90)

     I have some "U.F.O." microcomputer diskettes on my hands. They're
made by the OPUS company. They're 5 1/4 inch, but no indication at all
on the package as to whether DSDD, SSDD, or what. The package only
says "538 Lanier M.P. Compatible". I thought they might work out on a
PC compatible machine, but no such luck. They won't prep with FORMAT
for either 360K or 1.2 Meg capacity. I tried them under MS-DOS 3.2,
and with PCTOOLS. A 386 using MS-DOS 4.01 almost looked like it was
going to format them at abour 600K, but then erred out with a message
that TRACK 0 was bad.
     Any idea what sort of diskettes these might be?

Frank Starr