(George Grenley) (10/25/88)
Oh boy! An interested party! In article <1507@imagine.PAWL.RPI.EDU> (Trip Martin) writes: >In article <> (George Grenley) writes: >>This is good news. For those of you who are associated with Universities, >>we have, among other things 532 designer kits (a good way to get a 532 chip), >>and also VME332 boards - 15 mhz 332 cluster, good for realtime or unix. >>These items can be bought very inexpensively (but not free). > >How much do the 532 designer kits and the VME332 boards cost? > >Trip Martin > >userffs7@rpitsmts.bitnet Okay, here's the deal: Anyone casn buy a 532DK (designer kit) for, you guessed it, $532 - for awhile. This is a special intro price that will go away soon. I don't know when, exactly. Call your local NSC distributor. Universities can buy a 1 megabyte VME332 board for $950, pending final approval here at the factory. 4 meg boards are $1900. Please note 1 meg boards cannot be upgraded to 4 meg. Final pricing hasn't been set on VME532, but I'm pushing for $3900. As soon as it is finalized, I'll post something. Regards, George Grenley shameless flack