[comp.sys.nsc.32k] New 32K sourcesavailable from archi

josef@ugun21.UUCP (05/19/89)


I have tried several times to reach beowulf/snarf to get the ns32k SW,
but the mailer at philabs bounced my mail:

 : >From uucp%philabs.philips.com  Sun Feb 19 13:20:16 1989 remote from linus
 : [ stuff deleted ]
 : We have been unable to contact machine 'steinmetz' since you queued your job.
 : 	steinmetz!mail beowulf!snarf-32k   (Date 02/16)

Can someone help?
I can't even send mail to Bob Bownes!!

		Josef Moellers

	paper mail:			e-mail:
c/o Nixdorf Computer AG		USA:  uunet!linus!nixbur!mollers.pad
Abt. DU-SC 1			!USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!mollers.pad
Unterer Frankfurter Weg			Phone:
D-4790 Paderborn		(+49) 5251 104691
| "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life.	|
|  Can You give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out	|
|  death in judgement"							|
|			Gandalf to Frodo in "The Fellowship of the Ring"|

bownesr@control.steinmetz (Robert Bownes) (05/22/89)

	Well, your not being able to get to steinmetz does not surprise
me at all. Steinmetz has been replaced by crdgw1. Please route all sources requests through
crdgw1 or albanycs. 

	Sorry about the confusion, but everything seems to have hit all at the same
time... finals, P/S, steinmetz and crdgw1, ad nauseaum.