rjohnson@kiwi.mpr.ca (Robbin Johnson) (05/25/90)
My PC532 is up and running! I am having trouble with the serial port headers/RS232 connectors - the ones I bought do not seem to have the proper pin-outs :-( What a have right now is a rather impressive looking kludge that involves an inverted wirewrap SIP, some solder, a trio of wires and an old DB25. Thanks Dave and Tom for the effort tonight to help get this beast running. The monitor banner came up and I can, err, dump my registers over and over again :-) The next step is to upgrade to the latest ROM and fire up my SCSI disk. Sure can't wait for Bruce to find a free weekend to finish off the MINIX port. BTW Bruce (if you are reading this), any feel for what will be involved (time and effort) for us to upgrade your (1.3 based?) version of MINIX to to 1.5.10? Robbin. --- Robbin W. Johnson rjohnson@mpr.ca MPR Teltech Ltd. ``Yesterday the Moon, today LEO, tomorrow???''