[comp.sys.nsc.32k] Locating SCSI devices

news@daver.bungi.com (10/12/90)

I would like some feedback regarding how to best locate and identify SCSI
units attached to the bus.  To this end I have attached a code fragment
which seems to work with the SCSI devices that I have available.

I am exercising the code under DOS and am talking directly to the SCSI
host adapter.  And the attached code produces the following output with my
devices attached:

        device    type              vendor   product
        --------- ----------------- -------- ----------------
        32  0:4:0 sequential access ADAPTEC
        48  0:6:0 direct access     MAXTOR   XT-4380S

        Total number of units found   : 2
        Total number of devices found : 2

In addition to comments on the logic of flushing out SCSI devices, I
would really appreciate receiving / seeing the response to the
INQUIRY command from other devices (eg. OMTI floppy controller, etc).

best regards,

    scan.c          Scan for all SCSI devices.

    The INQUIRY command is used to identify SCSI devices.

    The data format of the INQUIRY command has been expanded in SCSI-2
    to include additional information.  Unfornately the SCSI-1 data format
    beyound byte 5 is generally vendor unique, however, in general the 
    vendor name seems to be located at or beyound data byte 0x08.

    SCSI-1 data format:

 0   |                        Peripheral Device Type                         |
 1   |  RMB   |                  Device-Type Qualifier                       |
 2   |   ISO Version   |       ECMA Version       |  ANSI-Approved Version   |
 3   |                       Reserved                                        |
[ stuff deleted ]

    SCSI-2 data format:

 0   | Peripheral Qualifier     |           Peripheral Device Type           |
 1   |  RMB   |                  Device-Type Modifier                        |
 2   |   ISO Version   |       ECMA Version       |  ANSI-Approved Version   |
 3   |  AENC  | TrmIOP |     Reserved    |         Response Data Format      |
[ stuff deleted ]

    Beginning with SCSI-2, a response data format value of zero indicates
    the INQUIRY data format is as specified in SCSI-1.  A response data
    format value of one indicates compatibility with some products that
    were designed prior to the development of SCSI-2 (i.e., CCS).
    A response data format value of two indicates that the data shall be
    in the format specified in SCSI-2.  Response data format values greater
    than two are reserved.

    According to SCSI-2, if the target is not capable of supporting a
    device on a logical unit, data byte 0 should be set to 7Fh
    (peripheral qualifier set to 011b and peripheral device type set to 1Fh).
    However, on all SCSI-1 direct access devices that I have tested
    return 00h for all LUNs.  Therefore, we will make the assumption that
    unless response data format is 2, direct access devices only support
    LUN 0.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "scsi.h"

struct sccb  ccb;

char  buffer[ 512];

struct unit
    int     adapter_no;             /* which host adapter   */
    int     device_no;              /* scsi_addr << 3 | lun */
    int     type;                   /* direct, seq, etc     */
    char   *vendor_nm;
    char   *product_nm;

int  nodevices;
int  devices[ 8];

int  nounits;
struct unit  units[ 16];

    int i, j, ierr;



    /* intialize the device array */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        devices[ i] = -1;

    /* initialize the unit array */
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        units[ i].device_no = -1;

    /* locate the devices */
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        ierr = inquiry( i, 0, buffer, 36 );

        if (ierr == CNOCONNECT)

        devices[ nodevices++] = i;


    /* for each located device, locate its logical units */
    for (i = 0; i < nodevices; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            ierr = inquiry( devices[i], j, buffer, 36 );

            if (ierr == COK)
                record_unit( 0, devices[i], j, buffer, ccb.actuallen );

    printf("Total number of units found   : %d\n", nounits);
    printf("Total number of devices found : %d\n", nodevices);


char *nm_devtypes[ ] =
    "direct access",
    "sequential access",
    "media changer",

    int  i;
    struct unit *dv;

    printf("device    type              vendor   product\n");
    printf("--------- ----------------- -------- ----------------\n");

    for (i = 0; i < nounits; i++)
        dv = &units[i];

        printf("%02d  %d:%d:%d ", dv->device_no, dv->adapter_no,
                dv->device_no >> 3, dv->device_no & 7);

        printf("%-17s ",  nm_devtypes[ dv->type]);

        if (dv->vendor_nm)
            printf("%-8s ", dv->vendor_nm);

        if (dv->product_nm)
            printf("%-16s", dv->product_nm);


char *get_vendor_nm( fmt, data, len )
int  fmt;              /* SCSI-1 = 0, CCS = 1, SCSI-2 = 2 */
char *data;
int   len;
    char  ch;
    char *s;

    if (fmt > 2 || len < 8) return( NULL );       /* reserved value */

    if (fmt == 0)                      /* SCSI-1, format vendor unique */
        s = &data[ len];

        while( !isalpha( *data) )

        while( !isalpha( *s ))
        *(++s) = 0;

        return( strdup( data ) );
                                        /* format standarized */

    ch = data[ 8];
    data[ 8] = 0;

    for (s = &data[7]; *s == ' '; s--)
        *s = 0;

    data[ 8] = ch;
    return( strdup( data ) );

char *get_product_nm( fmt, data, len )
int  fmt;
char *data;
int  len;
    char  *s, ch;

    if (fmt == 0 || fmt > 2)   return( NULL );

    ch = data[ 16];
    data[ 16] = 0;

    for (s = &data[15]; *s == ' '; s--)
        *s = 0;

    data[ 16] = ch;
    return( strdup( data ) );

record_unit( adapter, addr, lun, data, len )
int  adapter;               /* which host adapter    */
int  addr;                  /* SCSI address          */
int  lun;                   /* logical unit number   */
char *data;                 /* inquiry response data */
int  len;                   /* response length       */
    struct unit  *dv;
    int  format;

    /* A sufficient but not necessary test for non-existent LUN */
    if (data[0] == 0x7F)    return;

    /* To stop certain direct access devices from reporting multiple
     * LUNs. Such devices include Maxtor XT-4380S, CRC 94161-9 and
     *  Miniscribe  9380S.

    if (data[0] == 0 && data[3] = 0x01 && lun > 0) return;

    dv     = &units[ nounits++];
    format = data[3] & 0x0F;

    dv->adapter_no = adapter;
    dv->device_no  = addr << 3 | (lun & 0xFF);
    dv->type       = data[ 0] & 0x1F;
    dv->vendor_nm  = get_vendor_nm( format, &data[ 0x08], len - 0x08 );
    dv->product_nm = get_product_nm(format, &data[ 0x10], len - 0x10 );


culberts@hplb.hpl.hp.com (Bruce Culbertson) (10/12/90)

Hi John,

I appreciate your efforts to try to improve our SCSI driver.  You
may want to ignore the OMTI controller I am using, though.  Guess
what -- it does not do INQUIRY!  Kind of defeats the whole scheme,
doesn't it?  The sooner I buy a new disk, the better.  I am thinking
of switching from being a home renter to being a home owner, so all
things financial are on hold at the moment.
