[comp.sys.nsc.32k] crashing code

george@wombat.bungi.COM (George Scolaro) (03/26/91)

I assume that the code that is being executed in ram is the following:

reset:	br	reset1a
	br	scsi
reset1a:.byte	0x6d,0xa6,0x08,0xf0	# configure for data cache off
	movd	$(SECOND/1000000)*200,r1# get 200 microsecond delay
	acbd	-1,r1,.
	movd	$0xfffffe00,r7	# point to ICU
	movb	$0x15,22(r7)	# set up refresh
	movqb	$0,16(r7)
	movb	$6,24(r7)
	movqb	0,25(r7)
	movqb	-1,19(r7)	# set up a 1 in all outputs
		This maintains a high on the SWAP signal from the ICU. After
reset this signal is an input (before we program it as an output), a pullup
resistor ensures that it is high until programmed as an output.

	movqb	0,20(r7)	# set as all I/O
	movqb	-2,21(r7)	# g0 as output
	br	reset1+codesp

#	.byte	0x6d,0xa6,0x0e,0xf0 # Lock data cache

reset1:	movqb	-2,19(r7)	# kill rom at zero, swap RAM
		Note that this instruction clears the SWAP signal coming from
the ICU. This signal causes the DRAM to appear at 0H and the EPROM to only
appear at it's high memory location.

The following is extracted from the DEC32 PLD device. Note how the SWAP
signal changes the address locations of the EPROM and DRAM.

Pin [1..5]	= [a31..27]	; /* 32532 addresses */
Pin	6	= swap		; /* swap dram & eprom */
Pin	7	= a08		; /* address for int/nmi */
Pin	8	= !ioinh	; /* i/o inhibit */
Pin	9	= !conf		; /* confirmed bus cycle */
Pin	11	= nc0		; /* */

/**  Outputs  **/

Pin	12	= !iodec	; /* i/o device decoded */
Pin	13	= !slows	; /* all the slow peripherals */
Pin	14	= !eprom	; /* eprom select */
Pin	15	= !dram		; /* dram select */
Pin	16	= !scsi		; /* scsi select */
Pin	17	= !icu		; /* icu select */
Pin	18	= !duart	; /* duart select */
Pin	19	= !slow		; /* slow device, needs wait states */

/** Declarations and Intermediate Variable Definitions **/

field memadr = [a31..27, a08];

/**  Logic Equations  **/

dram	= memadr:[00000000..07ffffff] & !swap	/* normal position */
	# memadr:[08000000..0fffffff] &  swap;	/* at power up */

eprom	= memadr:[0..7ffffff] & conf & swap	/* at power on */
	# memadr:[10000000..17ffffff] & conf;	/* normally */

The 'normal' position is when SWAP is cleared to a low. Note that though the
DRAM 'moves' from a high location to a low location, the EPROM is always
present at the high location (it would be tricky to jump to it if it wasn't
there!). The EPROM 'disappears' from the low location when SWAP is cleared
to a low, and the DRAM appears there in its place.

best regards,

George Scolaro
george@wombat.bungi.com                [37 20 51 N / 122 03 07 W]