[comp.sys.ti] TI99/4A for sale

pjs269@tijc02.UUCP (Paul Schmidt ) (05/25/89)

*** TI 99/4A - FOR SALE ***

	TI 99/4A
	TI expansion box
	RS232 Interface
	32K Memory expansion
	TI Disk Drive
	Disk Controller card
	Speech Synthesizer
	P-code card
	Dot matrix printer

	Extended Basic
	Terminal Emulator II
	TI Writer Word Processor
	Disk Manager 2
	Household Budget Mangement
	Personal Record Keeping.
	TI Invaders
	and more...


    Paul Schmidt                           USENET:  rti!tijc02!pjs269
    502 West Pine Street                   PHONE:  (615) 461-2461
    Johnson City, TN 37604

ubcgjrr@sw1e.UUCP (0372]) (05/25/89)

rest.  If you want to sell just those items, please call me at (314) 235-0372).

Jeff Robbins

ubcgjrr@sw1e.UUCP (0372]) (05/25/89)

I screwed up the last post, what i was trying to say was that i would like
to but the P-code card and the pascal compiler.  If you are interest in
selling just those, give me a call at 314-235-0372.  Also does anyone out
there have a hard card or disk for the TI to sell.

Jeff Robbins  O

ccs013@castor.ucdavis.edu (Jason Gabler) (06/15/89)

Here's another outdated, clinker TI 99/4A for sale:

Keybored/Console  16k

Basic Manual
Basic WorkBook

Extended Basic Cartridge
Extended Basic Manual
Extended Basic Workbook

GE Data Recorder (tape drive ... ha ha)

all original material & hardware
owned 6 years 

asking  $50/obo  + shipping

mail responses to:     jygabler@ucdavis

p.s. Does this offer sound reasonable?  :)

kris@beep.UUCP (Port'naybl) (06/16/89)

In article <4667@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>, ccs013@castor.ucdavis.edu
(Jason Gabler) writes:
 >Here's another outdated, clinker TI 99/4A for sale:

 >Keybored/Console  16k
 >Basic Manual & WorkBook
 >Extended Basic Cartridge & Manual & Workbook
 >GE Data Recorder (tape drive ... ha ha)

     Don't knock it!  I wrote a text/schematic editor using just the
equipment listed above.  Sure, it was slow, but it was all I could
afford at the time.



"Look what I've done to my program, look what they've done to my code;
 They stuck it all on this floppy disk, and I think they got it wrong, ma..."

ronb@tekig5.PEN.TEK.COM (Ronald L Bannick) (05/05/90)

TI99/4A forsale $25.00 or best offer.
Voice module forsale $15.00 or best offer.
Reason for selling need the money and I don't need two of each.


Ronald Bannick       Tektronix Inc.             ronb@pical2.PEN.TEK.COM
11k Plug-ins         P.O.Box 500, M/S 47-247    ronb@tekig5.pen.TEK.COM
LIM Product Test     Beaverton, Oregon 97077    phone----(503) 627-3408