dave@compnect.UUCP (Dave Ratcliffe) (09/27/90)
OOPS!!!! Minor mistake in my posting of Clint Pulleys MDOS Disk Manager. I mistakenly stated it was for MDOS .97h only. It is, in fact, usable with MDOS 1.14 as well but ONLY works for floppy drives under that version. Sorry for misleading y'all. Should R'd TFM before I posted :-) BTW, if any of you have been looking for a decent manager for .97 MDOS (since for obscure reasons MDMV won't work with it) this is DEFINATELY it. It may even get me to finally move from 1.14 to .97h at long last. Worth a looksee at least. If you missed the posting, It's available on GEnie and Delphi and probably CI$ by now. It's also available in the Geneve download area on the BBS listed in my .sig below. Cheers.. *>> Dave <<* [------------------------------------------------------ Dave Ratcliffe -----] : uunet!rutgers!psuvax1!eds1!wa3wbu!compnect!dave | The Data Factory BBS : : uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave | (717)657-4997 : : dave@compnect.uucp or compnect!dave@uunet.UU.NET | (717)657-4992 : [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]