[comp.sys.ti] CB811 Multiplexor port dead

larry@twg.wimsey.bc.ca (Lawrence Westrheim) (10/10/90)

I have a Texas Instruments 1300 series system, which is running TI system
V/386, by SCO. I   have  three  CB811   controller  boards (TI   part
number 2542286-0001).

Seems  I have one dead port on the multiplexer, which the system shows  a
getty.   I have tried killing the getty, which a new one is created,  but
no login appears.  I have checked the cable and all is fine.  I have done
a  reboot/cold  reboot,  and  the problem still  exsists.   I  also  have
reloaded  the  CB811 Multiplexor Device Driver, Operating System  reload,
and these have not resolved my problem.

I  have contacted TI-EXPRESS to see if there is schematics for the  CB811
multiplexer,    but    it    seems      there    is    none    available.
TI-Toronto/TI-Vancouver only do board swaps, and not board level repairs.

Has  anyone  run into this problem?  How did you resolve your  dead  port
Lawrence Westrheim   -  TWG The Westrheim Group  -  Vancouver, BC, Canada
uunet!van-bc!twg!larry    (604) 431-9600 (voice) |     UNIX Systems
larry@twg.wimsey.bc.ca    (604) 431-4329 (fax)   |     Integration