[comp.sys.ti] SUPER SKETCH TI/994A graphic kit for sale

<U16028@uicvm.uic.edu> (04/30/91)

I keep finding these items I bought but never used!

For sale to best offer including shipment cost via UPS.

                         SUPER SKETCH  (model G2400)

                     by Personal Peripherals, Inc.

Still in original unopened box (plastic wrap slightly torn).

Description( from box): "Super Sketch provides a totally unique and simple
medium for creating video graphics.  As the stylus is moved across the pad,
an image is created (in relationship to the stylus) on your computer video
screen.  Four push buttons at the top of the controller pad control the color
selection and graphic functions of the stylus.  Graphics may be "free-handed"
or "traced" from drawings clipped to the pad."

Description (from me):  cartridge based "still" graphics design tool.
The Main Menu: CLEAR (self evident)
               DRAW  (move stylus arm and drawing on screen follows)
               SWAP  (change color with another in drawing)
               FILL  (fill bordered area with color)
               ERASER (erase line or color under cursor)

Expert Menu:  SHOW (display art work without menu or cursor)
              TEXTURE (checkerboard pattern for filling)
              BRUSH (choose from a variety of brushes for drawing)
              LINES (draw straight lines)
              RAYS  (draws rays)
              H OR V (horizontal or vertical lines)
              BOX (make a box of a desired size)

There are approximately 15 different colors that can be drawn on the screen.

*WARNING* --  This thing only saves on cassette tape,  NO DISKS (unless
someone is a heck of a lot more into this stuff than me, which is most
likely ;-)  )  Also, I don't know of any way to print on a printer anything
you draw.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Send questions or offer to me at  U16028@UICVM.uic.edu
