[comp.sys.atari.8bit] Turbo Basic for XL's 1/2

oaa@houxl.UUCP (12/10/86)

Here is the docs for Turbo Basic, binary will follow in BINHEX format.

				Owen Alexander
========= Cut Here ============


	Compiled and Translated by
	Dave and Laura Yearke

     This documentation is provided by the Western New York Atari Users
Group and may be reprinted freely provided this credit is included.

     In case you've just landed from Mars, or just plain haven't heard
yet, TURBO BASIC is the exciting new Public Domain Basic Interpreter that
we received from the Atari Users Group in Holland.  It works on the XL or
XE series of Atari computers.  It's almost too good to be true and should
be a definite must for all XE or XL Atari owners.

     Turbo BASIC, in addition to offering 42 more commands and 22 more
functions than Atari BASIC, gives the user 1603 more bytes of program
space by "hiding" part of itself under the XL/XE's operating system.  It
also runs 3 times faster than Atari BASIC, includes most DOS commands,
has advanced graphics and programming functions, and is insensitive to
lower case or inverse characters for most commands.


    Name      Syntax	 Description

    Disk I/O

    BLOAD     BLOAD "D:name"

Binary loads file name (DOS option L with /N).

    BRUN      BRUN  "D:name"

Binary load and run file name (DOS option L).

    DELETE    DELETE "D:name"

Deletes the file name (DOS option D).

    DIR       DIR

Disk directory (DOS option A).

              DIR "Dn:*.*"

Directory of drive #n, note that wildcard extenders may be used.

    LOCK      LOCK "D:name"

Locks the file name (DOS option F).

    RENAME    RENAME "D:old,new"

Renames the file name (DOS option E).

    UNLOCK    UNLOCK "D:name"

Unlocks the file name (DOS option G).


    CIRCLE    CIRCLE x,y,r

Plots a circle with center at x,y and radius r.

              CIRCLE x,y,r,r2

R2 is an optional "vertical radius" for true circles or ellipses.

    CLS       CLS

Clears the screen.

              CLS #6

Clear screen opened in channel 6.


Determines fill color.

    FILLTO    FILLTO x,y

A fill command analagous to the BASIC commands "POSITION x,y: XIO

    PAINT     PAINT x,y

Another type of fill command, this one is a recursive routine that will
fill any closed object as long as x,y are inside it.

    TEXT      TEXT x,y,a$

Bit-blocks text in a$ at x,y.


    DPOKE     DPOKE m,v

Pokes location m,m+1 with 2-byte integer v: (0 <= v <= 65535).

    MOVE      MOVE m,m1,m2

Block transfer; moves m2 (number of bytes) from starting position m to
new starting position m1.

    -MOVE     -MOVE m,m1,m2

Same as MOVE but copies starting with the last byte of the block.

    BPUT      BPUT #n,adr,len

Block Put; same as: FOR I=0 TO len-1:PUT #n,PEEK (adr+I):NEXT I

    BGET      BGET #n,adr,len

Block Get; same as: FOR I=0 TO len-1:GET #N,A:POKE (adr+I):NEXT I

    %PUT      %PUT #n,a

Until now, there was no convenient way to put numeric values onto disk
or cassette files other than by using PRINT, which converted them to
strings first, a slow and cumbersome process.  %PUT puts the number to
the device "as is," in 6-byte FP format.

    %GET      %GET #n,A

Get a number stored with %PUT from the device and store it in variable.
Again, this is much faster than using "INPUT #n, A".

    Structured Programming


Start a REPEAT-UNTIL loop.

    UNTIL     UNTIL <c>

Terminate when condition <c> met.

    WHILE     WHILE <c>

Start a WHILE-WEND loop to end when condition <c> met.

    WEND      WEND

Terminate a WHILE-END loop.

    ELSE      ELSE

Optional extension for IF.  The IF condition must not be followed by a
"THEN", but terminated by end-of-line or colon.


Ends an IF-ELSE-ENDIF or IF-ELSE condition.  Note that this allows an IF
condition to span more than one BASIC line, provided the "IF" statement
is structured as shown in Note 5.

    DO        DO

Starts an "infinite" DO loop.

    LOOP      LOOP

Cycle back to the start of a DO loop.

    EXIT      EXIT

Exit a DO-LOOP loop.

    PROC      PROC name

Start definition of procedure.


End definition of procedure.

    EXEC      EXEC name

Execute procedure name.

    General Programming

    PAUSE     PAUSE n

Pause processing for n/50 seconds.

    RENUM     RENUM n,i,j

Renumber the program starting at line #n, first number is #i, increment
is #j.  This function will handle GOTOs, TRAPs, and all other line
references except those which involve variables or computed values.

    DEL       DEL n,i

Delete lines n-i.

    DUMP      DUMP

Display all variables and values.  For numeric arrays, the numbers are
the DIMed values plus one.  For strings, the first number is the current
LENgth of it and the second number is the DIMed size of it.  DUMP also
lists procedure names and labels with their line values. 

              DUMP name

DUMP to device, such as "P:" or "D:DUMP.DAT".


Trace program during execution.

              TRACE -

Turns trace mode off (Default).

    DSOUND    DSOUND n,f,d,v

Form of SOUND which activates channel-pairing for increased frequency


Turns off all sounds.

    GO TO     GO TO n

Alternate form of GOTO.

    *L        *L

Turn line-indent on (Default).

              *L -

Turns line-indent off.

    *F        *F (or *F +)

Special mode for FOR..NEXT loops which corrects a bug in Atari BASIC.
Seems that in Atari BASIC, an "illegal" reverse loop like "FOR X=2 TO
1:PRINT X:NEXT X" will execute once even though the condition is met
initially (X is already greater than 1).  Turbo BASIC fixes this bug,
but leaves it available for Atari BASIC programs which may take
advantage of it.

              *F -

Turns off the special FOR..NEXT mode to make Turbo BASIC act like Atari

    *B        *B (or *B +)

Command which allows the break key to be trapped via the "TRAP" command
within a program.

              *B -

Turns off the special BREAK key mode.

    --        --

Special form of REM which puts 30 dashes in a program listing.

    Line Labels

    #         # name

Assigns the current line number to the label name.  This is a convenient
way to get around the problem of renumbering when using variables as line
numbers.  Labels can be thought of as a special form of variable, as they
occupy the variable name table along with the "regular" variables.  We
also believe that the number of variables allowed has been increased from
128 to 256 to allow for the addition of these labels.

    GO#       GO# name

Analagous to the GOTO command.



Close channels 1-7.

    DIM       DIM a(n)

Will automatically assign a value of zero to all elements of the numeric
array being dimensioned, and null characters to all elements of a string
(The LEN is still variable, however, and initially zero).

    GET       GET name

Wait for a key press, assign the value to name.  Same as "OPEN
#7,4,0,"K:":GET #7,name:CLOSE #7".

    INPUT     INPUT "text";a,b...

Prints text as a prompt before asking for variable(s), same as

    LIST      LIST n,

List program from line #n to end.

    ON        ON a EXEC n1,n2,...

Variation of ON...GOSUB for procedures.  N1, n2 and so on are names of
procedures to be run.  ON a GO# n1,n2,...  Similar to ON...GOTO except
that line labels  are used instead of line numbers.

    POP       POP

This command now pops the runtime stack for all four types of loops.

    PUT       PUT n

Same as "PRINT CHR$(n)";


Restores the data line indicated by the label name.

    RND       RND

Parentheses are no longer needed at the end of this command, but it will
still work if they are there.


Turn off all sounds.

    TRAP      TRAP #name

TRAPs to the line referenced by the label name.



    HEX$      HEX$(n)

Convert n to hex string.

    DEC       DEC(a$)

Convert hex string A$ to decimal.

    DIV       n DIV i

Integer quotient of n/i.

    MOD       n MOD i

Integer remainder of n/i.

    FRAC      FRAC(a)

Fractional part of a.

    TRUNC     TRUNC(a)

Truncates fractional part of a.

    RAND      RAND(n)

Generates random number 0-n.

    $         $nnnn

Allows input of hexidecimal numbers, but they are converted to decimal.
Ex:  "FOR I=$0600 to $067F" => "FOR I=1536 to 1663".

    &         n & i

8-bit boolean AND.

    !         n ! i

8-bit boolean OR.

    EXOR      n EXOR i

8-bit Exclusive-OR.


    DPEEK     DPEEK(m)

Double-PEEK of m,m+1.

    TIME      TIME

Time of day (numeric).

    TIME$     TIME$

Time of day string, HHMMSS.  Unfortunately, the time commands don't work
properly because they were written for European Ataris which operate at
50 Hz, instead of 60 Hz like American ones, the net result being that
they gain 12 minutes each hour.

    INKEY$    INKEY$

Returns last character typed.

    INSTR     INSTR(x$,a$)

Returns relative location of start of string A$ within X$ (returns 0 if not found).  The match must be exact; strings with the same letters but differences in case or type (normal or inverse) will not be found.


i specifies the starting point of the search.

    UINSTR    UINSTR(x$,a$)

Same as INSTR, does not distinguish between case or inverse characters.
Ex: UINSTR("HeLlO","hello") returns 1.


Specifies optional starting point.

    ERR       ERR

Value of last error number.

    ERL       ERL

Line last error occurred at.



These four constants simply stand for the numbers 0-3, respectively.
The difference with using these in a program is that "X=1" requires 10
bytes, whereas "X=%1" only needs 4.  (Numbers require 7 bytes, 6 for the
number plus an identifier preceding it.  It is always a good practice to
make variables for numbers that are used more than three times in a


1.  Variable, Procedure and Label names may contain the underscore (_)

2.  To print a double-quote (") in a text string, use two of them
together, instead of the Atari BASIC method of using CHR$(34).  Ex:
"TEST";CHR$(34);"TEXT" becomes "TEST""TEXT" in Turbo-BASIC, both of
which produce the output => TEST"TEXT.

3.  Upon initial boot-up, TURBO-BASIC looks for a BASIC file named
AUTORUN.BAS.  If it finds an AUTORUN.BAS file, it will automatically
load and run this file.

4.  Turbo-BASIC also prints out English descriptions of all errors,
including several new ones for errors involving the new commands:

    Error - 22 ?NEST = Loops not properly nested.
    Error - 23 ?WHILE = WEND with no corresponding WHILE.
    Error - 24 ?REPEAT = UNTIL with no corresponding REPEAT.
    Error - 25 ?DO = LOOP with no corresponding DO.
    Error - 26 ?EXIT = EXIT is outside a loop.
    Error - 27 ?XPROC = Error executing PROC.
    Error - 28 ?EXEC = ENDPROC with no corresponding EXEC.
    Error - 29 ?PROC = Procedure does not exist.
    Error - 30 ?# = Label does not exist.

    Also, Error 15 has been expanded to include an UNTIL which relates
to a REPEAT which has been deleted.

5.  A multiline IF is constructed like this:

    10 IF X > 10
    20    PRINT X-10
    30    GO# TOO_BIG
    40 ELSE
    50    PRINT X
    60    GO# X_IS_OK
    70 ENDIF

    Note also the use of line labels in the GOTO statements.

    ---Dave & Laura Yearke