[comp.sys.atari.8bit] ACTION! summary

daryl@ihlpe.UUCP (02/07/87)

Someone locally asked me for ACTION detail information.  I ended up with
something detailed that I thought should be shared with the net.

Daryl Monge				UUCP:	...!ihnp4!iheds!dlm
AT&T					CIS:	72717,65
Bell Labs, Naperville, Ill		AT&T	312-979-3603


ACTION! is an OSS super-cartridge.  You get a text editor which is general
enough to use on any text file, a monitor for running programs, dumping
variables, etc, and the compiler itself (which is accessed from the monitor)
The big linkup between the compiler and the editor is going into the editor
immediately after a compiler error will place the cursor at the offending
line.  Useful, since the compiler stops after ANY error (the only annoying

EDITOR summary:
	Insert/delete line/character with the normal keyboard keys for them
	tab, set tab, clear tab, using normal keyboard keys
	Forward/back screen
	Find characters
	Set/Goto tag
	home/end of buffer
	replace/insert mode (the editor is like gmacs - modeless)
	paste deleted lines
	read/write files
	clear buffer
	create/delete split screen windows -- can do 2 windows, a different
		file in each.
	Substitute string (no regular expressions)
	undo last delete
	shift window left/right.  Useful when indenting becomes a problem on
		a 40 column screen.

	compile /edit/return to dos commands
	Proceed from either a break key or library break() function
	run a program
	set a memory location (poke)
	write a compiled program to disk
	execute an immediate command (any one line meaningful to the compiler)
	display a memory location (peek)
	dump memory (bulk dump)
	set system options:
		display		turn off display will compute bound.  On
				atari's this can improve compiler performance
				30% or more.
		bell		on/off an audible bell on errors
		case sensitive	on/off
		trace		on/off, trace each subroutine call, not
				including library functions.
		list		on/off list program while compiling
		window 1 size	size in lines of the top window when using
				split screen mode
		line size	Max line size, must be <240 
		left margin	Default of 2, can be 0 if you have a decent
				TV or monitor.
		EOL character	The visible end of line character, useful if
				you want to know if the file has lines with
				trailing blanks.

Of course you really want to language details, since the above is really
sugar for the development environment.

identifiers are arbitrary length, must start with an alphabetic, and the
remainder must be alphanumeric or underline (_)

Constants are
	digits		decimal
	$digits		hex
	'letter		a single character constant
	"string"	a character string.  ACTION! strings are
			[1 byte count]characters

Fundamental Data types:  (by the way - all ACTION! variables are static)
	BYTE		obvious.  CHAR is treated the same
	CARD		16 bit unsigned
	INT		16 bit signed
	POINTER		to any of the above

Variable declarations:
	BYTE name1,name2	simple storage allocation
	BYTE x=[1]		initialization
	BYTE y=$8000		declares y as residing at memory loc $8000

Expressions (in priority):
	-	unary minus
	*	mult
	/	divide
	MOD	remainder
	+	add
	-	binary subtract
(= is not an operator in ACTION!, hence z=(x=y) is not legal)

Bit wise:
	&	and
	%	or
	!	xor	
	XOR	same as !
	LSH	logical (vs arithmetic) left shift
	RSH	logical right shift

	=	equality
	#	inequality
	<>	same as #
	> >= < <= 	obvious
	AND	logical and, not the same as &
	OR	logical or, not the same as %

expressions are cast in the order of BYTE->INT->CARD

	=	simple assign
		where <operator> is any binary operator, including LSH, RSH
		etc., just like += in C.

	DO <loop> OD
	WHILE DO <loop> OD
	DO <loop> UNTIL OD
There is no case and no GOTO in ACTION!!!!!!!

Functions and subroutines:
They are separated as in Fortrash.

PROC name(BYTE arguments INT arguments ...)
FUNC name(...)

and most interesting

PROC name=<address>(arguments)

where address is an address in memory.  Makes it real easy to call OS
routines in ROM, etc directly from action without any assembler language

ROUTINE IS!!  It is a simple minded compiler and probably only generates a
RTS instruction when it encounters a RETURN.  RETURN's are legal anywhere in
a functions or procedure.

Scoping rules in ACTION! are virtually identical to C, except there is no
concept or AUTOMATIC in ACTION!, making recursion more difficult.

Preprocessor (sort of)

DEFINE name="anything"
INCLUDE "filename"

is the only two things.  the quotes must always be in the DEFINE statement,
even if <anything> is just a number.

You can have POINTERS to objects and ARRAYS.  There is also a struct like
concept called records and are declared as
	TYPE name = [ BYTE stuff INT stuff ...]

It is C struct and typedef roled into one statement.  To use the above the
declaration would be
	name myvariable

ARRAYS work just like C.  Passing them to a procedure or function just
passes the base address of the array.

	You cannot have ARRAYs of records or records with embedded ARRAYS.
	There are ways to hack your way around this, however, and the manual
	does a fairly good job of documenting it.

Special note:
	Anywhere in a program you can start inserting assembly language 
	for speed.  You simply enter
	[ $00 $00 ... ]
	where you would normally enter ACTION! statements.  VERY handy.
	Of course most people use DEFINE and an INCLUDE file to set up
	mnemonics for the hex instructions.  You are even allowed to embed
	program variable names.  For example:
		DEFINE LDA="$94" ;or whatever it is
		DEFINE CMP="$44"

		[ LDA variable CMP 'T ]
	would load <variable> into the A register and compare it against
	the literal character T


The manual fully documents the operation of the compiler, how it handles
allocating variables during compile time, etc.

The run time library:
	Print BYTEs, INTs, CARDs, and strings to standard out, or any other
	file descriptor.  The I/O subsystem is very similar to UNIX in that
	you have a character stream interface based on file descriptors.
	Input the above items.
	PrintF			!!(not all of it of course)
	All the normal graphics functions the BASIC(K) has, but as function 
				calls of course
	String copy, compare, substring, etc.
	Random numbers
	Zero, Set, Move blocks of memory (very fast)
	Open, Close, XIO, Point(as in fseek(3)), Tell(as in ftell(3))


There it is.  In my opinion, there is no better development environment for
the ATARI 8 bits. (I have never tried KYAN PASCAL).  I have been working
with ACTION! for a while and am totally satisfied.  Contrary to recent
NETNEWS traffic, it IS!!! better to have the system on ROM, since the
hardware offers your compiler, etc, no protection at all.